АГТ Казахстан входит в крупнейшую коммуникационную группу в России. Оказывает весь спектр PR услуг в Казахстане, а также на территории Средней и Центральной (Киргизская Республика, Таджикистан, Узбекистан, Туркменистан, Монголия), Юго-Восточной Азии (КНР, Лаос, Таиланд, Вьетнам, Индия) и в странах Южного Кавказа (Армения, Азербайджан, Грузия)

Project Echo Provides Doctors and Community Health Workers In concert


In a universe that is progressively fragmented and complex, it is important to locate ways to take people alongside one another. That is what project http://projectechonevada.com/what-you-should-know-about-project-echo/ echo depends upon. Founded by University of recent Mexico, project echo combines urban clinic disease specialists with rural general experts and community health personnel via videoconferencing to share best practices for common, serious diseases such as hepatitis C. The experts teach the participants to analyze and take care of their own people using case-based learning, telementorship, and led practice sessions. The team also expands the understanding of how to treat various other conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and chemical substance use disorders.

The REPLICATE model is normally spreading to rural forums around the world. In fact , it is being used to address a lot more than 55 numerous complex health concerns. Arora credits the rapid growth of ECHO to its overall flexibility, which allows that to work at multiple space scales simultaneously and tackle varied diseases in a range of locations. REPLICATE can be used on the hepatitis C pandemic, but has been expanded to other conditions including cancers and mental illness.

This flexibility may well explain for what reason the ECHO model is so successful, irrespective of its unpretentious funding amounts and deficiency of a formal organizational structure. ECHO management are now checking out how to quantitatively evaluate the program’s impact on equally providers and the patients. With respect to case, one supplier shared a tale of a patient who, after presenting her case to a ECHO pain prescribing appointment, received a prescription to get a pain pump and now feels “like she’s gotten her life rear. ” Tales like this happen to be abundant tend to be rarely aggregated or posted so their very own impact is usually difficult to evaluate.

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Коммуникационное агентство «АГТ — Казахстан»
Казахстан, г. Алматы, 9 микрорайон, стр 8, офис 24
Генеральный директор: Амина Конурбаева a.konurbaeva@agt-agency.ru