АГТ Казахстан входит в крупнейшую коммуникационную группу в России. Оказывает весь спектр PR услуг в Казахстане, а также на территории Средней и Центральной (Киргизская Республика, Таджикистан, Узбекистан, Туркменистан, Монголия), Юго-Восточной Азии (КНР, Лаос, Таиланд, Вьетнам, Индия) и в странах Южного Кавказа (Армения, Азербайджан, Грузия)

Expanding B2B Revenue Skills


Developing B2B sales abilities is an essential part of to become successful b2b (B2B) online marketer. Whether a new B2B salesperson or are trying to improve your existing skills, there are numerous important things to consider.


Building a solid rapport with all your clients is crucial for your success in B2B product sales. It will involve gaining trust, understanding their needs and issues, and showing that you care about helping them be successful.

Active Tuning in:

Active listening is actually a critical skill for salesmen to have since it helps all of them uncover the problems their consumers are facing. It also makes that easier to promote them on the products and services they require.


As a B2B vendor, you will often be coping with large economical commitments, so it will be essential you have strong discussion skills. Having these skills can help you defeat objections, demonstrate contract terms and pricing, and resolve virtually any remaining concerns prior to a final sales is made.

Personal Branding:

Aquiring a professional manufacturer for yourself and your company will make you stand out from the competition and help you build trust with potential buyers. This includes employing social media systems such as process milestones LinkedIn to determine yourself as a valuable origin of information and problem-solver.

Period Management:

Being able to manage your time and energy effectively is a crucial B2B sales skill that will enable you to obtain your goals and get more required for less time. It will likewise ensure that you may focus on what matters most to your business.

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Коммуникационное агентство «АГТ — Казахстан»
Казахстан, г. Алматы, 9 микрорайон, стр 8, офис 24
Генеральный директор: Амина Конурбаева a.konurbaeva@agt-agency.ru